"VooDoo from da South Coast!!"

Here's some Pics and Clips of Daran, MW0HMV
Broadcastin dat Welsh Voodoo from the UK!

Just click on a pic and it will bring ya to a Big Pic.
Just click the "Back" button on yer browser and you'll return here.

The Voodoo Audio Studio of MW0HMV!

Here's the MW0HMV VHF/UHF Voodoo Equipment!

The Voodoo Rack of MW0HMV!

The Voodoo Rack of MW0HMV!

The Voodoo Rack of MW0HMV!

The Voodoo Rack of MW0HMV!

The Voodoo Rack of MW0HMV!

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"MW0HMV" page was desighned by da Voodoo Guru